Jamais Cascio of WorldChanging fame leads us in a discussion about being good ancestors and why networked global guerrillas are rendering Big War obsolete.


Producer: Jeff Diehl | Host: RU Sirius | Gang of Three Chatterers: Jamais Cascio, Diana Brown, Jeff Diehl | Intro & Outro: Scrappi DuChamp and Mondo Vanilli (and others)

Jamais Cascio’s Open The Future

Average Rating: 4.8 out of 5 based on 284 user reviews.

Justin Kan has shared his view of the world with all of us… literally, since March 19, when he hooked a mobile camera to his hat and started streaming live video 24-7 (more or less) on his justin.tv site. He joined us live in our studio for this program. And check out “Stereotypes” by Bos105, Justin’s brother!


Producer: Jeff Diehl | Host: RU Sirius | Gang of Three Chatterers: Jamais Cascio, Diana Brown, Jeff Diehl | Song: “Stereotypes” by Bos105 | Intro & Outro: Scrappi DuChamp and Mondo Vanilli (and others)

Justin TV
Jamais Cascio’s Open The Future

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 197 user reviews.

We discuss the optimism of white American breeders & whether it would be OK with us if an American President were an outright pacifist.


Producer: Jeff Diehl | Host: RU Sirius | Gang of Three Chatterers: Diana Brown, Jeff Diehl. Steve Robles | Intro & Outro: Scrappi DuChamp and Mondo Vanilli (and others)

Average Rating: 4.8 out of 5 based on 205 user reviews.

B. Duke, author and performer behind the theater piece, “Gonzo: A Brutal Chrysalis”, joins us to talk about and perform from his play in which he evokes Hunter S. Thompson circa 1968-1971.


Producer: Jeff Diehl | Host: RU Sirius | Gang of Three Chatterers: Diana Brown, Steve Robles, Jeff Diehl | Song: “Hot Bird” by the Guitar Zeros | Intro & Outro: Scrappi DuChamp and Mondo Vanilli (and others)

Gonzo: A Brutal Chrysalis
The Guitar Zeros

Average Rating: 4.5 out of 5 based on 289 user reviews.

We contemplate the notion of punishment and prison in human societies


Producer: Jeff Diehl | Host: RU Sirius | Gang of Three Chatterers: Diana Brown, Jeff Diehl. Steve Robles | Intro & Outro: Scrappi DuChamp and Mondo Vanilli (and others)

We’ll be broadcasting live video of both of our shows — “The RU Sirius Show” and “NeoFiles” with chat, every Sunday from 2PM – 4PM Pacific. Bookmark the show page and join us on Sunday.

Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 150 user reviews.

Scientology battler and longtime space advocate Keith Henson joins us to talk about his ongoing travails with L. Ron Hubbard’s joke come true and tells us why and how we should build a space elevator.


Producer: Jeff Diehl | Host: RU Sirius | Gang of Two Chatterers: Diana Brown, Jeff Diehl | Song: “2 Live Supertramp Disco” by dj BC | Intro & Outro: Scrappi DuChamp and Mondo Vanilli (and others)

Keith Henson News
Sex, Drugs and Cults by Keith Henson

We’ll be broadcasting live video of both of our shows — “The RU Sirius Show” and “NeoFiles” with chat, every Sunday from 2PM – 4PM Pacific. Bookmark the show page and join us on Sunday.

Average Rating: 4.8 out of 5 based on 272 user reviews.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: We’ll be broadcasting live video of both of our shows — “The RU Sirius Show” and “NeoFiles” with chat, every Sunday from 2PM – 4PM Pacific. Bookmark the show page and join us on Sunday.

In this show, we talk about animals and we talk about guns but we don’t talk about animals with guns. Also, no animals were harmed during the making of this show.


Producer: Jeff Diehl | Host: RU Sirius | Gang of Three Chatterers: Diana Brown, Jeff Diehl, Steve Robles | Intro & Outro: Scrappi DuChamp and Mondo Vanilli (and others)

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 281 user reviews.

First of all, an announcement: We’ll be broadcasting live video of both of our shows — “The RU Sirius Show” and “NeoFiles” with chat, every Sunday from 2PM – 4PM Pacific. Bookmark the show page and join us on Sunday.

David Van Nuys profiled the Zodiac Killer in “This is the Zodiac Speaking: Into the Mind of a Serial Killer”, which he co-authorwed with Michael D. Kelleher. We talk about the strange mind of the mysterious Zodiac, the recent massacre at Virginia Tech, and Transpersonal Psychology.


Producer: Jeff Diehl | Host: RU Sirius | Gang of Three Chatterers: Diana Brown, Steve Robles, Jeff Diehl | “Lord High Executioner’s Song” by Gilbert & Sullivan | Intro & Outro: Scrappi DuChamp and Mondo Vanilli (and others)

This is the Zodiac Speaking
David Van Nuys

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 281 user reviews.

How should we deal with the bodies of the dead and our own feelings about the recently departed? SF writer John Shirley and Guruphiliac editor Jody Radzik join us as we discuss the issues.


Producer: Jeff Diehl | Host: RU Sirius | Gang of Three Chatterers: Jody Radzik, John Shirley, Jeff Diehl | Intro & Outro: Scrappi DuChamp and Mondo Vanilli (and others)

John Shirley

Average Rating: 4.8 out of 5 based on 271 user reviews.

Jody Radzik, the publisher of the website, Guruphiliac, enlightened us about bad v. good gurus, and the nutty followers they attract. Learn for yourself how to judge a bona fide guru and how to spot a huckster with a god complex.


Producer: Jeff Diehl | Host: RU Sirius | Gang of Three Chatterers: Jody Radzik, John Shirley, Jeff Diehl | Song: “Ego is a Too Much Thing” by Charles Manson | Intro & Outro: Scrappi DuChamp and Mondo Vanilli (and others)

John Shirley

Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 284 user reviews.